

About Elute Intelligence

What is the Elute COVID-19 Document Reader


Upload any document and we will search around 38,000 abstracts of PubMed to find you similar documents.
The PubMed dataset we search is pre-filtered to include coronovirus, SARS and other related terms.
The dataset we use is updated each day with the newest entries.

The information overload challenge

Many of the world’s best scientists are coming together to find ways of addressing the COVID-19 challenge. There is already a significant body of literature that has potential relevance to ongoing activities, but researchers need to find the most relevant information quickly. For example, a PubMed search for 'coronavirus' returns over 16,000 results.

Elute’s COVID-19 Document Reader is designed to help you find relevant information

Elute Intelligence has a capability to search large document sets to identify highly relevant information. Elute’s approach is different to conventional keyword/boolean search, we search for documents that are similar to a reference document that has already been identified as being of interest.

The user selects a search document
Elute extracts search terms from the entire text
Elute compares with a corpus of reference documents
Elute can rapidly search millions of documents
Elute can search any machine readable text document
Elute ranks documents on level of similarity
Elute highlights similarities between source and reference documents
Identifies important vocabulary

Building more datasets

You are the experts, so please help us define more datasets. The current dataset has been produced by carrying out a PubMed search for the presence of (coronavirus), (covid), (sars), (mers), (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and (middle east respiratory syndrome) in abstracts only. If you believe that an alternative dataset would be valuable please get in touch at covid-19@eluteintelligence.com , remember the Elute COVID-19 Reader does not need a tightly constrained dataset, the Reader will find the documents most relevant to your reference document. An expansive, but relevant, dataset is likely to provide more valuable insight. If you are aware of other datasets outside of PubMed that you believe it would be valuable to search then please get in touch. If the information is publicly available or the owner will provide access to it for us to search then as long as it is machine readable we will try to incorporate it.

Accessing the Elute COVID-19 Document Reader

We want the COVID-19 Document Reader to be freely and easily available to academic and commercial researchers helping to overcome COVID-19.

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